5-LITER: 24.60 €
10-L: 43.00 €
20-liter: 82.00 €
The minimum required time, ease of use and efficiency make the Blue velvet like the ideal product for the application in the following fields.
Airports, ports, restaurants, factories, shipyards, oil companies, train stations, car etc.
Shows reduced foaming and dissolved in all type of water (maritime, industrial, and simple brackish water). The Blue velvet is powerful and safe, is appropriate, inter alia, for washing cars.
vehicle cleaning
source of pollutants
b hydrocarbons
c sludge
d different (pitch, stretch marks, etc.).
1.For hard dirt without becoming prewash required 6% solution of detergent and water. Wash the body with pressure 80-100 bar after 4 minutes rinse with water under pressure.
Note, for very hard dirt without being required prewash spray with 15% Blue velvet and then repeat the procedure 1.
2.For hard dirt sprayed the body with pressure washer and then rinse with water under pressure. Not require scrubbing with a sponge or other material.
3.For easy dirt, spray (spray type dust) the body and then rinse with water under pressure. The body will be completely clean and does not require scrubbing with a sponge or other material.
4.For washing machine parts. Spray with Blue velvet 100% (undiluted). After 5 min wash with pressure water jet engine with pressure 100-120 bar.
5.Tin surface of the vehicle. With a sponge soaked in a solution of 15% Blue velvet and water scrub and then rinse with water under pressure.
6.Apo heaven car removed the yellowing smoking exhaust nerolekedes if notisoume surfaces with a solution of 20% (1 1/2 cup of coffee in a spray of 500 ml) with a simple spray and do wiping with a damp cloth.
7.The seats, leather, textile, alcantara generally removed all the dirt from wherever proerchontai.psekazoume and remove with a damp cloth.
8.Apo floors and carpets disappear with simple spray and wipe all dirt from tar, grease, oil, chewing gum etc.
9.Kinitiras rims, wet the wheels or the engine and its parts with a spray that has a 33% solution in water. After 2-3 minutes wash with water pressure or pressure waterjet.
10.Katharismos radiator and engine maintenance. Within radiator put quantity 2% Blue velvet. After 24 hours pour over the dirty water from slag and salts. Refill the radiator with water and Blue velvet 1% for maintenance.
When there are stains from grease, oils klp.richnoume a concentrated amount of Blue velvet rub with brush and water to disperse pollutants in water. Remove with vacuum or pressure.
By using Blue velvet deposited film, ensuring protection to body of new pollutants (droppings, resins etc.) provided not protect the paint 100%.
Internally, it has been exempted from the car each pollutant, fungi, germs and odors.
Washer brushes
Spray a vehicle body with sodium Blue velvet (14% in water) or 2 cups of coffee in 1 liter of water with air or hand sprayer. Pass the vehicle from automatic washing 2-3 minutes after spraying.
B. Place the Blue velvet in 6.4% solution in water, in the tank of the automatic detergent and wash as with detergent.
c the waste water and cleans the floors, round areas, laundry culverts and reservoir vorvorosylekti.
It polykatharistiko eco non toxic product for any use.
a) Tools - equipment with soft brush (hair) and Blue Velvet.
Mix on bucket 8% Blue Velvet and 92% water.
b) infuse brush and gently rub the wall, then rinse with water.
c) if we can not use a lot of water then spray the wall and then wiped with cloths impregnated with Blue Velvet.
d) textured walls very dirty, spray it with a solution of 8% Blue Velvet pressure 150-250 bar with waterjet machine.
a) Material Blue Velvet 80 ml/4kg water.
b) mop the marble surface with the solution and finally rinsed thoroughly with water.
a) Material Blue Velvet 2% in water sprayers.
b) spraying the surface and then wipe off the well.
Spray with 100% Blue Velvet and after five minutes rub with wire
Spray with a solution of 50% Blue Velvet and after five minutes with wire grate. The dishes are not very dirty use a solution of 20%
We use a solution of 20% Blue Velvet and sfougkaristra or brush.
Spray with 100% Blue Velvet the corner and across the surface generally. Allow to act for little Blue Velvet. Rub with fine wire and then remove with a damp cloth.
Spray pans that we put in the washing chamber with 100% Blue
Velvet. Place 1 cup of coffee at Blue Velvet pouch detergent
laundry. Crockery and glasses being washed and disinfected.
Wash the inside of the refrigerator with a solution 30% Blue Velvet. Remove to fresh
In unpleasant odors sprayed with 100% Blue Velvet and remove with a damp cloth
then pat dry.
Spray the entire surface and props with 100% Blue Velvet. remove with
damp cloth, then pat dry.
Nanotechnology deals with the manufacture, research and use of extremely small structures. The prefix "nano" comes from the Greek language and means "dwarf". A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter and is about one dekakischiliostou the thickness of a human hair, so we are on the smaller field of atoms and molecules. At this length may be positioned about four to six persons. The nano-particles or po & ep